Contact Us


See our worldwide contact details

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Global Support
General +55 21 3500 8882
[email protected]
Claims +55 21 3500 2751
[email protected]
General +971 4 319 7682
[email protected]
Claims +971 4 319 7682
[email protected]
General +62 21 515 7680
[email protected]
Claims +62 21 515 7681
[email protected]
General +34 95 1749 994
[email protected]
Claims +34 95 1749 993
[email protected]
United Kingdom
General +44 20 3129 1544
[email protected]
Claims +44 20 3129 5004
[email protected]
General +852 5819 0028
[email protected]
Claims +852 5819 4888
[email protected]
Hong Kong
General +852 5819 0028
[email protected]
Claims +852 5819 4888
[email protected]
South Africa
General +27 87 5502 426
[email protected]
Claims +27 87 5518 359
[email protected]
General +66 2 105 4284
[email protected]
Claims +66 2 105 4285
[email protected]
United States
General +1 347 875 3156
[email protected]
Claims +1 646 448 0331
[email protected]
General: +1 347 875 3156
[email protected]

+55 21 3500 2751

+971 4 319 7682

+62 21 515 7680

+34 95 1749 994

+44 20 3129 1544

+852 5819 0028

+852 5819 0028

+27 87 5502 426

+66 2 105 4284

+1 347 875 3156

+1 347 875 3156

Click on location for details

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With its firm commitment to service and excellence we are

proud to say we work hand in hand with this reputable company.

- Medilink

Simple, straight-forward, very efficient.

- Global Health Insider Article

The only company offering full support when other companies aren’t.

- The Thaiger

Rated highly for customer-focused approach.

- ExpatGo